Complete Metal Roofing Services | Emmaty Exteriors
Complete Metal Roofing Services | Emmaty Exteriors


Metal roofs are among the most commonly used roof systems today. Metal roofs are lightweight, aesthetically pleasing, durable, and is a sustainable solution.

Durability & Environmentally Friendly

Metal panels are available in a variety of gauges (thicknesses) to accommodate both the span requirements of the building structure and roof traffic considerations.
Metal roofing is highly resistant to water, ice, and snow, and it is also hail resistant.
Existing roofs can be re-roofed with metal without contributing tons of waste to our country’s landfills.
Most metal roofing consists of recycled material and is itself 100% recyclable at the end of its useful life.

Longevity, Low-maintenance & Cost-effectiveness

Metal roofing has a longer lifespan than other roofing materials, which means it provides more value over its lifetime than other materials.
When combined with the potential energy savings from the roof's solar reflectivity, metal roofing is an extremely cost-effective choice.
Metal roofs are durable and resistant to decay, discoloration, and mildew, making them a low-maintenance commercial roofing solution.

Energy-efficiency & Lightweight

Standing seam metal roofs can be easily insulated with a radiant barrier effect, using fiberglass and foam block to reduce energy costs and noise.
One of the benefits of metal roofing systems is that they are naturally lightweight, which means they will not add stress to the building's integral structure, which is especially important for older, larger structures. Because of this property, a metal roof can often be installed directly over an existing roof, saving on tear-off costs.

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From aging infrastructure to increased pressure on resources to the severity of natural disasters, cities and municipalities are confronting complexities that are as unique as the people who live there.

Brilliant Cities

We believe no one discipline has all the answers to urban challenges. Our unique contribution to the urban agenda is our whole-systems approach to better prioritize projects, plan ahead, protect vulnerable assets, and provide sustainable growth.

Improving Community Life with Innovation

We work in the communities we live in and design comprehensive, innovative, and cost-effective solutions that make those communities more livable and at the same time meet the needs and requirements of each client by optimising the municipality’s infrastructure.

Smart Cities

Smart technology and the IoT is fundamentally changing how we work, how organizations operate, and how we experience places. Smart Cities are evolvable places that integrate intelligent design, multiple data inputs and previously disparate systems and aggregate these into a cloud of useful information. When harnessed, this actionable intelligence allows smart owners and occupants to create more engaging and effective built environments.

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Why Choose Emmaty

We focus on workmanship and attention to detail.

Your projects are OSHA compliant.

We protect our customer's properties and employees, all in concert with regular business operations.

Crews attend mandatory safety and installation training on a regular basis.

We keep our customers' buildings watertight.

Your project is completed by experienced, specialized experts every time.

Your project is covered with Single Source Warranty

Complimentary Roof Inspection

Complete Metal Roofing Services | Emmaty Exteriors Complete Metal Roofing Services | Emmaty Exteriors